Miranda Washinawatok

Credentials: She/Her

Position title: Graduate Student

Email: mwashinawato@wisc.edu


Miranda Washinawatok is a Ph.D. student focusing on Anthropology/Archaeology. She is an enrolled member of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin and also recognizes her Meskwaki and Ojibwe sides in her cultural identity. As a Menominee tribal member she belongs to the Eagle clan.

Miranda focuses on Indigenous Archaeology, specifically of the Western Great Lakes region. She relates to the Tribal Nations and cultures in the Midwest area and aspires to bridge these Indigenous communities and her research interests. Her research interests include ethnoarchaeology, Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), Indigenous belief systems and their influence on ceremonial crafts such as wood-working and stone-carving. Miranda’s long-term career goal is to return home to the Menominee Indian Reservation and work in Tribal Historic Preservation.

Miranda is an advisee of Dr. Sissel Schroeder and also holds a work-study position at the Wisconsin Historical Society in the Office of the State Archaeologist.