Falina Enriquez
Position title: Associate Professor
Email: fenriquez2@wisc.edu
Phone: 608-262-0695
5401 Sewell Social Science Bldg.

Areas of Focus
Cultural and Linguistic anthropology, Ethnomusicology, Brazil, Semiotics, Neoliberalism, Latin America, Social inequality
Center for Visual Cultures (CVC)
Chican@ and Latin@ Studies (CLS) Program
Global Music and Sound Studies Initiative
Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program (LACIS)
As a cultural and linguistic anthropologist, I study music and language as an ensemble that helps us understand how people construct the world and emplace themselves—and others—within it. I focus on the cultural politics of music as a form of artistic practice and labor in Recife, Brazil, a city long known as a uniquely musical place. My works builds on the premise that together, music and language shape and reflect the social order. In studying music and language together, I shed light on how various kinds of people act in relation to socioeconomic processes like neoliberalism, precarity, and structural inequality. The insights that I have developed draw from and contribute to cultural and linguistic anthropology, ethnomusicology, Brazilian studies, Latin American studies, and cultural studies.
- Anthropology 104: Cultural Anthropology and Human Diversity
- Anthropology 300: Theory and Ethnography
- Anthropology 330: Race and Culture in Brazil
- Anthropology 430: Language and Culture
- Anthropology 860: A History of Anthropological Theory
- Anthropology 940: Culture and the State in Latin America
Selected publications
2023. “Scale-Making Narratives and Musical Tourism in Recife, Brazil,” Journal of Anthropological Research, 79 (2): 176-200. https://doi-org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/10.1086/724477
2022. The Costs of the Gig Economy: Musical Entrepreneurs and the Cultural Politics of Inequality in Northeastern Brazil. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. https://www.press.uillinois.edu/books/?id=p086687
2022. “New Forms of Musical Belonging in Contemporary Brazil.” In The Routledge Companion to Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Latin American Literary and Cultural Forms, edited by Guillermina de Ferrari and Mariano Siskind, 456-465. Abingdon, UK; New York: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Companion-to-Twentieth-and-Twenty-First-Century-Latin-American/Ferrari-Siskind/p/book/9780367179885
2022. “How to ‘Get By’ in a Crisis: Strategic Flexibility among Brazilian Musical Entrepreneurs.” Current Anthropology 63 (5): 601–7. https://doi.org/10.1086/721956.
2022. Kohl, Owen and Falina Enriquez. “Falina Enriquez discusses her new book, The Costs of the Gig Economy.” CaMP Anthropology blog (Department of Anthropology, Indiana University Bloomington). https://campanthropology.org/2022/09/23/falina-enriquez-discusses-her-new-book-the-costs-of-the-gig-economy/
2022. “Pernambuco and Bahia’s Musical ‘War’: Contemporary Music, Intraregional Rivalry, and Branding in Northeastern Brazil.” Luso-Brazilian Review 59 (1): 22–60.
2021. “Tempered Hopes: (Re)Producing the Middle Class in Recife’s Alternative Music Scene.” In Precarious Democracy: Ethnographies of Hope, Despair and Resistance in Brazil, edited by Benjamin Junge, Sean T. Mitchell, Alvaro Jarrín, and Lucia Cantero, 142–54. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press. https://www.rutgersuniversitypress.org/precarious-democracy/9781978825659
- Portuguese translation:
2022. “Esperanças Moderadas: (Re)produzindo a classe média na cena musical alternativa do Recife.” In Democracia Precária: Etnografias de esperança, desespero e resistencia no Brasil, edited by Alvaro Jarrín, Benjamin Junge, Sean T. Mitchell, Lucia Cantero, and Karina Biondi, 234-354. Porto Alegre: Editora Zouk. https://www.editorazouk.com.br/pd-918ba6-democracia-precaria.html?ct=&p=1&s=1
Recife Antigo: The Downsides of Upgrading Tourist Destinations.” The Anthropology of Tourism Interest Group (ATIG) (blog). April 21. https://atig.americananthro.org/recife-antigo/
2018. “Business, Transnationalism, and Patrimony: Comparing Entrepreneurial Musicians in Recife, Pernambuco.” Suomen Antropologi 43 (1): 6–27. https://doi.org/10.30676/jfas.v43i1.69099.